Cyber Wellness
Cyberwellness Curriculum
Our cyberwellness curriculum aims to equip our students with skills to navigate the online space confidently and use technology healthily. The approach to Cyberwellness curriculum is guided by MOE’s Cyberwellness principles of:
- Respect for Self and Others
- Safe and Responsible Use
- Positive Peer Influence
Cyberwellness lessons are taught through authentic scenarios such as interactive video discussions during the Form Teacher Guidance Period (FTGP) and sharing by Cyberwellness ambassadors during assembly.
Cyberwellness during CCE lessons
Every student in EGPS attends Cyberwellness during CCE lessons. These lessons are designed specifically for students to SHAPE, SENSE and THINK on how they can play a part to ensure that they become safe and responsible users of the internet.
Training of Cyberwellness Ambassadors to be advocates of Good Cyberwellness practices
Selected P4 – P6 students are trained to be Cyberwellness Ambassadors (CA). CyberWellness Ambassadors are selected to advocate good online safety habits and be role models in acceptable online behaviour. They will also engage in positive peer influence to spread Cyber Wellness messages amongst the student community. They are expected to carry out their duties during assembly and participate in external competitions. As part of their development, the ICT department organizes training sessions termly to equip them with the required skills.
Commemoration of Safer Internet Day and Assembly Talks
Safer Internet Day is commemorated in Term 1 every year. Through the Assembly talk and recess activities, our students gain a greater awareness of Internet Safety and arebetter equipped to handle online interactions in a respectful and responsible manner. Assembly Talks on other topics such as Appropriate Social Media Usage, Cyberbullying etc are also conducted termly.