School Rules
1. Punctuality is a habit that must be instilled from young. Students must be in school during term time unless they are unwell.
2. Students must be punctual for school and for all school functions. Students are to assemble in school by 7.15 a.m. at the respective assembly areas. Flag raising will be conducted at 7.30 a.m. sharp. Any student who arrives later than 7.30 a.m. will be considered late.
3. If a student is late 4 times or more per semester, he/she will be issued letter of advice. The Conduct Grade will be affected for those who are constantly late and disciplinary action will be taken against these students.
4. Students are not allowed to leave the school compound during curriculum hours without permission. This includes those who are attending after-school activities in the afternoon (e.g. CCA, Enrichment, Remedial, Supplementary, LSP) and are not allowed to leave the school premise until such activities have ended. Prior permission should be obtained if the child is required to leave during school hours.
5. As regular attendance is essential in achieving effective teaching and learning, the opportunity for learning and growth is lost when the students do not attend school or are late for school.
6. To ensure students’ presence in school is consistent for learning, the school will keep track of students with a prevalent VR (private) record by having a policy that will not allow for more than five parent letters per term, per student.
7. Students are expected to attend school for the full duration of the school term.
1. Every student must understand the purpose of rules in instilling discipline and maintaining safety in the school. There must be uniformity in appearance when students come to school. Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform for all school activities (Please refer to photos for examples of school attire). No modification to the school uniform is allowed.
2. Students’ attire must be neat and tidy at all times. Every student must have their name tags sewn on their uniform.
3. Girls with long hair (longer than the collar) must have it tied neatly in a ponytail or in plaits. Long fringe must be pulled back with a hair band or hair clip. Only black hair accessories are accepted.
4. Girls are not allowed to wear make-up including lining their eyes with eyeliner or kohl.
5. Nails are to be kept clean and short at all times. Nail polish and henna are not allowed.
6. Boys must have short and acceptable hairstyle. Boys are not allowed to shave closely to the scalp on one side and have longer fringe on the other side. No other fanciful haircuts are allowed.
7. Boys must be clean shaven and neat in appearance. Facial hair including beards and moustaches is prohibited.
8. Disciplinary action will be taken against students who continuously break the rules despite counselling and reminders sent. Parents are to ensure that the student appears with acceptable hairstyle during term time for uniformity.
9. No coloured dye is to be applied to the hair.
10. No jewellery must be worn to school. Only plain ear studs (black, gold or silver) are allowed. For safety reasons, girls are not allowed to wear loop ear rings as they may pose a danger during play.
11. The school must be a safe place for everyone. Hence, all students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon or to bring any weapon-like item which is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others. Students need not bring personal scissors or pen knife to school as the school will provide for them when necessary.
12. Unauthorized electronic, communication, entertainment or gaming devices capable of capturing, storing, displaying and/or transmitting visual, audio or verbal information are not allowed in the school compound regardless of the time of the day. Examples of prohibited items include mobile phones, cameras, tablets and smart wrist watches. The school will not be held responsible for the loss of students’ electronic devices. Unauthorized use of electronic devices will be confiscated and will only be returned to the student’s parent/guardian.
13. Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones and wear smart watches to school. If students need to bring their mobile phones/smart watches due to emergencies at home, permission must be sought from Form Teacher. The phone/watch must be switched off and be used only upon dismissal. The student must be responsible in taking care of his / her own belongings.
a. Please note that POSB watches are allowed.
14. If a teacher has authorized the use of electronic devices for educational purposes, students are expected to use them responsibly and in compliance with the school’s anti-bullying and anti-cyberbullying policies. Students must not photograph, video, record or post on social media of students or staff members without permission.
15. Students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which is intended to be used to cause harm to others.
16. Every EGPS student will adhere to the school motto to be Pure in Act. Students are to learn good habits and exercise the right values at all times. They must respect themselves, their peers, teachers and school property at all times. The school advocates, Think Good, Do Good, and Speak Good at all times.
17. As a school community we will exercise care and respect for one another. There is Zero Tolerance for bullying at EGPS. Bullying includes physical, psychological and cyber bullying. The school will mediate and counsel students involved in bullying. The school will take serious actions against students who repeatedly hurt others despite counselling, mediation and warning.
18. The school has a case management process in place and students who do not adhere to school rules will be meted with the appropriate consequences. Parents are requested to work closely with the school so that we educate every student to take responsibility for their own actions.
1. All students must participate in the flag-raising and pledge taking ceremony at the start of the day. Students who are Singapore Citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the National Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist over the heart while reciting the Pledge to show commitment and pride.
2. For every child to find meaning in his/her learning he/she must be passionate about learning. He/she must be proud to be a student of EGPS and be passionate about learning the academics as well as values and social emotional competencies.
3. Students must be committed to their holistic learning. The process of learning is as important as the product. Hence, every student must complete all homework, worksheets and corrections assigned by the teacher dutifully and handed in on time. They must use the student diary to manage their assignments and time well. Parents are to help monitor that their child is completing all work assigned on time.
4. Students must learn the habit of organising their daily work so that everything is in order for their revision purpose. All worksheets must be neatly files in the respective subject files and handed to the teacher for checking when required to.
1. The school provides a holistic development program for our students. Every EGPS student will be confident and self-directed in his/her learning.
2. At the end of every co-curricular program, students will be required to perform / share their learning.
3. This can be in the form of performance, oral/written presentation, publication or reflection. This is aligned to the school’s approach in developing confidence and commitment in every student.
4. Students who have opted for CCA, must attend every session unless written permission is sought from CCA teacher. Any student who fails to maintain 75% attendance, will be dropped from the respective CCAs and will not be awarded certificate of participation.
5. Every student will be provided opportunity and skills to be a leader. Leadership opportunities will be provided in a tiered approach.
6. Students must adopt an excellence mind-set and do the best that they can. They must challenge themselves to realise their potential. Every student must set academic and character goals every year to work towards their individual purpose. They will be closely monitored and coached throughout the year so that they can reach their optimal best.
7. Remedial lessons will only be catered to students who really need the assistance for closer coaching. Parents are to ensure that their child attends the remedial lessons if they have been selected for them.
8. Students are encouraged to act responsibly by taking ownership in packing their bags every day and bringing the necessary books/materials to school. Parents/domestic helpers are discouraged from delivering any items to our students during school hours so as to allow them the opportunity to learn and be more responsible. Such acts also causes disruption and additional work for our Office Staff and the school reserves the right to not accede to such requests.
9. Students must exercise Integrity during all tests/examinations. Students are considered to have cheated tests/examinations when they are found:
● Copying from another student or allowing another student to copy via various forms of communication that include verbal/non-verbal gestures, display of writing materials; retrieving information by any electronic means that include computerised wrist watches, mobile phones, digital cameras etc (list is not exhaustive)
● Attempting to amend marks or change answers on marked exam scripts
10. Any student who has cheated or attempted to cheat, or collaborated with others with the intention to cheat, will have to go through School Exam Board’s investigations. If found guilty, severe actions will be taken against all students involved. Decision by school is final.
School Rules and Consequences
The school believes that good discipline is an important contributing factor towards creating an effective school. Our discipline policies and procedures foster self-discipline and desired behaviours that are aligned to our school values. The following serves as a guide and depending on the severity of the offences, appropriate disciplinary action/s will be meted out in consultation with the School Leaders and Key Personnel in-charge of discipline matters.
If students violate the school rules and need to be disciplined, the school seeks the understanding of parents and guardians to support the Student Development Team (SDT) when disciplinary actions are administered.
Category A:
Offences |
1st Occurrence & Beyond |
● Disruptive Behaviour ● Improper attire and grooming ● Late-coming ● Littering ● Not doing assignments |
● Counselling by Form Teacher/ Co-Form Teacher/Subject Teacher ● Home Involvement ● Warning / Letter of Advice (Late-coming) Case to be referred to SDT for further course of action with proactive strategies to be taken by school and home. |
Category B
Offences |
1st Occurrence & Beyond |
● Disruptive behaviour ● Leaving school compound without permission / Truancy ● Using vulgar language / gesture ● Misconduct |
Depending on the severity of the offence, the consequences meted out may include one or more of the following: ● Affect of conduct grade ● Behaviour Contract ● Caning ● Corrective work order ● Counselling ● Reflection ● Home Involvement ● Ineligibility for awards ● Internal suspension ● Loss of privilege/s ● Out-of-school suspension ● Record of offence in the School Offence Module ● Other alternatives deemed appropriate to correct unacceptable
Category C
Offences |
1st Occurrence & Beyond |
● Alcohol Abuse ● Arson ● Bullying (Verbal, & Physical), ● Cyber Offences (Cyberbullying, Cyberstalking & Online Impersonation) ● Cheating / Attempting to cheat in tests and examinations ● Forgery ● Gambling ● Gangsterism / Fighting / Assault ● Open defiance / rudeness to teacher or school personnel ● Outrage of modesty / inappropriate behaviour ● Possession of: o Undesirable materials (e.g., cigarettes, vapes, weapons, drugs) o (or accessing) Pornographic materials ● Theft / Other acts of dishonesty ● Vandalism / Damage to public property ● Tarnishing the school’s image or reputation (e.g. misbehaviour in the school uniform, posting injurious / scandalous / defamatory / derogatory remarks about the school, staff and/or students on the Internet or other platforms, using / distributing images / pictures / sound recordings of school, staff and/or students on the Internet without permission ● Smoking / Vaping*
Depending on the severity of the offence, the consequences meted out may include one or more of the following: ● Affect of conduct grade ● Behaviour Contract ● Caning ● Corrective work order ● Counselling ● Reflection ● Home Involvement ● Ineligibility for awards ● Internal suspension ● Loss of privilege/s ● Out-of-school suspension ● Restitution ● Reporting to relevant authorities e.g. Police, CNB, MOH, etc. for necessary further action ● Record of offence in the School Offence Module ● Other alternatives deemed appropriate to correct unacceptable behaviour |
*All smoking and vaping cases will be reported to the relevant authorities (as per MOE’s guidelines)
For offences which are not listed above but may tarnish the image of the school or cause hurt (verbal or psychological) to oneself or others (e.g. bullying), actions will be taken at the discretion of the Principal and Vice-principals.
School Attire
Students are to wear prescribed school uniform to school (including school activities, school functions and school outings). Modification of the uniform is strictly not allowed.
Level |
Boys |
Girls |
Remarks |
P1 – P3 |
Polo t-shirt
Polo t-shirt
Mon to Fri.
P4 – P6 |
Boys |
Girls |
Remarks |
Students are to be in full uniform during official school events and examinations
Polo t-shirt
Polo t-shirt
Mon to Fri.
Polo t-shirt
Polo t-shirt
PE Attire |
*skirt with shorts hidden underneath
1. Do note that the designs for the skorts (Girls) for Lower Pri and Upper Pri are different
# All students will be wearing black shoes and white socks when wearing the new school uniform only
Ornaments, Jewellery
No ornaments or any forms of jewellery, such as necklace and bracelet are allowed.
(For girls only) Only plain ear studs (black, gold or silver) are allowed. For safety reason, girls are not allowed to wear loop ear rings as they may pose a danger during play. Religious amulets or chain must be long enough to be hidden beneath the uniform and must not be worn visibly, even on the wrist.